India Forum for Nature-based Solutions Launches the Knowledge Compendium and Research Program at Connect Karo 2023

India Forum for Nature-based Solutions Launches the Knowledge Compendium and Research Program at Connect Karo 2023

The potential of urban nature-based solutions has yet to be fully realized in India. There is still limited awareness, experience and documented evidence with NbS in Indian cities and available knowledge on NbS models, impact measurement framework, and operations and maintenance methodologies are yet to be tailored or adapted to the Indian experience.

To address these knowledge gaps and support local research, the India Forum for Nature-based Solutions launched an online case study compendium at WRI India’s flagship event – Connect Karo 2023. This will be a dynamic repository of innovative examples of urban NbS implementation across the country. Along with the compendium, the Forum Research Program was also launched, details of which are below – 

  1. Through the Research Program, the Forum will support at least three research projects annually and we invite entries for the same.
  2. The Forum’s core partners will provide expertise or identify external experts to provide review and oversight over the course of the research.
  3. The Forum will also conduct two research symposiums inviting a committee of experts from within the Forum’s partner organisations and their networks to assist researchers with the scoping and definition of research question and help sharpen findings and recommendations.
  4. The final research reports will be widely disseminated by the Forum and its partners through the website and events.

More details on the call for proposals are available here.

Research Program by the India Forum for Nature-based Solutions 

Meet the winners 

Research Project 1 – Framework to Help Decide When (and What Kind Of) NbS Solution to Implement – RIKA India

Research Project 2 – Landscape Assessment for Investment in NbS – cKinetics

Research Project 3 – NbS Operations & Maintenance Toolkit – Sehreeti Developmental Practices Foundation